Research Article

Pulse Wave Cycle Features Analysis of Different Blood Pressure Grades in the Elderly

Table 1

TD features.

IdTD featuresMeaning

1The duration of the percussion wave
2The duration of the beginning of the tidal wave
3The duration of the crest of the tidal wave
4The duration of the beginning of the dicrotic wave
5The duration of the crest of the dicrotic wave
6The amplitude of the percussion wave
7The amplitude of the beginning of the tidal wave
8The amplitude of the crest of the tidal wave
9The amplitude of the beginning of the dicrotic wave
10The amplitude of the crest of the dicrotic wave
11The width in 1/3 amplitude of the percussion wave
12The width in 1/5 amplitude of the percussion wave
13The ratio of and t
14The ratio of and t
15The ratio of and
16The ratio of and
17The ratio of and
18A pulse cycle duration
19AsThe systolic pulse wave area in
20AdThe diastolic pulse wave area between the end of 4 and the end of