Research Article

Gastroprotective Mechanism and Ulcer Resolution Effect of Cyrtocarpa procera Methanolic Extract on Ethanol-Induced Gastric Injury

Figure 5

Negative control. Mice stomach treated with isotonic saline solution (7 ml/kg twice a day) on the 20th day after GU induction. (a) Macroscopic view of a formalin fixed stomach. Dashed boxes show the typical scars observed after 20 days of the GU induction with ethanol. (b), (c), and (d) Bright-field microscopic views of 5 μm thickness sagittal sections of the glandular portion of the stomach, stained with PAS. (b) Panoramic histopathological appearance showing an extended degree of mucosal damage with disorganized architecture and basophilic staining due to persistent leukocyte infiltration. Dashed boxes: right, magnification to show mucus presence; left, histopathological status of the tissue. (c) Histopathological observation of the gastric mucosa revealing diffusive erosion of the gastric mucosa cell layer and abundant inflammatory cells present in the lamina propria. (d) Histochemical analysis presenting weak PAS positivity due to loss of epithelial continuity in the mucosa surface and gastric mucous neck cells.