Research Article

Electroacupuncture Improved the Function of Myocardial Ischemia Involved in the Hippocampus-Paraventricular Nucleus-Sympathetic Nerve Pathway

Figure 1

Comparisons of hemodynamic parameters and the sympathetic nerve discharge activity in each group. “(a)” is the HR histogram, “(b)” is the MAP histogram, “(c)” is the RPP histogram, and “(d)” is the discharge of sympathetic nerve histogram. Compared with the Sham group, the HR was significantly higher (); the MAP and RPP were significantly lower (); the discharge of sympathetic nerve was significantly higher () in the Model group. Compared with the Model group, the HR was significantly lower (); the MAP was significantly higher () in the Model + EA group and the Model + EA + Lesion group; the RPP was significantly higher () in the Model + EA group and was higher (); the discharge of sympathetic nerve was significantly lower () in the Model + EA + Lesion group. Compared with the Model + EA group, the HR was significantly higher (); the MAP and the RPP were significantly lower (); the discharge of sympathetic nerve was significantly higher () in the Model + EA + Lesion group. The mean (), ; .