Research Article

Astragaloside Inhibits Hepatic Fibrosis by Modulation of TGF-β1/Smad Signaling Pathway

Figure 7

Effects of astragalosides on TGF-/Smad signaling pathway. The expressions of TGF-, TβR-I, p-Smad 2, Smad 2, p-Smad 3, Smad 3, and Smad 7 proteins were analyzed by western blot; Smad 2, Smad 3, and β-actin served as corresponding control. AST was found to attenuate the expression of TGF-β1, TβR-I, p-Smad 2, and p-Smad 3 proteins and enhance the expression of Smad 7, with no influence on the levels of Smad 2 and Smad 3 proteins. AST: astragalosides; LY-364947: TGF-β receptor 1 inhibitor. The values presented are the means ± SD ( in each group). and versus control group; and versus model group (CCL4).