Research Article

Astilbe chinensis Modulates Platelet Function via Impaired MAPK and PLCγ2 Expression

Figure 2

The inhibitory effect of Astilbe chinensis on collagen-stimulated [Ca2+]i elevation and ATP secretion. (a) Washed platelets were loaded with a calcium fluorophore (5 μM, Fura-2/AM) for 1 h. Fura 2/AM-loaded platelets were pretreated with A. chinensis for 2 min at 37°C and stimulated with collagen. (b) After platelet aggregation was terminated, the concentration of ATP was assessed in collagen-stimulated platelets treated with A. chinensis extract, using a luminometer. The results represent the mean ± SEM of at least four independent experiments. p< 0.001 versus control.