Research Article

Adjuvant Therapy Using Mistletoe Containing Drugs Boosts the T-Cell-Mediated Killing of Glioma Cells and Prolongs the Survival of Glioma Bearing Mice

Figure 1

T-cell-mediated killing of glioma cells is supported by ML-1 containing drugs. Results for three individual PBMC donors (# 15, 17, 18) are depicted. PBMCs were cocultured with untreated (Co, label on top of bars) or ISCADOR Qu (ISC), Aviscumine (Avi), or native ML-1 (ML-1) pretreated LNT-229 cells for 3-5 weeks to achieve allogenic T-cell expansion and activation. Activated T-cells were added in different effector to target (E:T) ratios (5 : 1, light grey bars; 10 : 1, dark grey bars; 20 : 1, black bars) to untreated (Ctrl, x-axis) or pretreated LNT-229-Luc-cells for 4 h (Ctrl: ISC, Avi, ML-1; 8 ng/ml of ML; shown on the x-axis). Luciferase activity was measured and used to calculate the amount of glioma cell lysis (mean ± SD of 6-8 replicates; Student’s t-test compared to Ctrl () or Co (#) < 0.05, < 0.01, < 0.001 after Bonferroni correction for n pair comparisons).