Research Article

Understanding CAM Use in Lebanon: Findings from a National Survey

Table 5

Significant associations among sociodemographic characteristics and the various Pull factors, as derived from ordinal multiple logistic .

Pull factors Sociodemographic

(1) I prefer doctors give me choices or options & let me decide myself what to doIncome (+)
(2) Patients should challenge the authority of the doctorEmployment (+), perceived health (+)
(3) I prefer to assume some of the responsibility-
(4) Except for serious illness, it is better to take care of your own health than go to the doctorIncome (-), perceived health (+)
(5) It is not obligatory to go to the doctor to treat oneself-
(6) Spirituality and faith play important roles in lifeFemale (+), education (-), perceived health (-)

The associations summarized in this table are derived from Appendix A, which displays the parameter estimates table, which includes the coefficients, the 95% confidence interval of the coefficients, and their associated p-values for each of the Pull factors.
"-" indicates a negative association; "+" indicates a positive association.