Research Article

Short-Term Efficacy of Pulsed Radiofrequency Thermal Stimulation on Acupoints for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Preliminary Study of a Randomized, Single-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the treatment and placebo-controlled groups.

Treatment (n=28)Placebo-controlled (n=28)p value

Baseline characteristics
 Female21 (75.0)23 (82.1)0.775
 Male7 (25.0)5 (17.9)
Age [years)47.86 (9.58)43.93 (11.58)0.172
Duration of LBP [month)7.38 (44.57)3.53 (11.20)0.204
Exercise therapy during the study [count)3.00 (0.00)3.00 (0.00)0.668
BMI [kg/m2)23.81 (2.64)24.77 (3.45)0.245
Systolic BP [mmHg]122.14 (14.18)120.14 (14.16)0.600
Diastolic BP [mmHg)73.64 (11.04)71.07 (9.03)0.344
Pulse [bpm]75.57 (10.64)74.43 (10.81)0.692
Body temperature [°C)36.53 (0.53)36.50 (0.41)0.800
Outcomes at baseline
VAS [mm]41.96 (10.66)46.25 (11.44)0.153
PPT (at visit 1) [kg/cm2]6.72 (1.87)6.62 (1.68)0.847
EQ-5D (at visit 1)0.77 (0.09)0.78 (0.08)0.844

Data are summarized as the mean (standard deviation: SD) for the continuous variables and N (%) for the categorical variables. The p values were derived based on the independent two-sample t-test or Wilcoxon’s rank sum test for the continuous variables and chi-squared test for the categorical variables.
Derived from Wilcoxon’s rank sum test.
Treatment: PRF-thermal stimulation plus cupping therapy; Placebo-controlled: cupping therapy.
BP: blood pressure; BMI: body mass index; VAS: visual analogue scale; PPT: pressure pain threshold; EQ-5D: Euro Quality of Life-5 Dimensions.