Research Article

Flavonoid Extract from Propolis Inhibits Cardiac Fibrosis Triggered by Myocardial Infarction through Upregulation of SIRT1

Figure 5

SIRT1 knockdown suppressed FP-induced changes in the expression of SIRT1, collagen I/III, MMP-2/9, TGF-1, and p-Smad2/3 in Ang II-treated CFs. (a) The SIRT1 level was significantly knocked down by siRNA. (b) Quantitative analysis of (a). (c) The SIRT1 level was lower in the siRNA-transfected CFs compared to the NC and untransfected CFs stimulated by Ang II. (d) Quantitative analysis of (c). (e) Representative Western blot images showing that SIRT1-siRNA antagonized the FP-induced decrease in the expression of collagen I/III, MMP-2/9, TGF-β1, and p-Smad2/3. GAPDH was used as an internal control. (f) Quantitative analysis of (e). Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM; = 6 per group; P < 0.05 versus the SIRT1 siRNA, Ang II+SIRT1 siRNA, or Ang II+NC+FP group; #P < 0.05 versus the Ang II+SIRT1 siRNA group. NC: the negative control group.