Research Article

Effects of Cinnamaldehyde on the Cell Wall of A. fumigatus and Its Application in Treating Mice with Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

Table 3

Histopathological assessment of cinnamaldehyde in treating immunosuppressed ICR mice with Aspergillus fumigatus pulmonary infection.

GroupingnInflammatory responseFungal-positive responseCure rate (%)

Cinnamaldehyde group306680
Voriconazole group30101066.7
Saline group30272410
Model group30272410

The cinnamaldehyde and voriconazole groups were compared with saline and model groups using SPSS21.0 statistical software (P < 0.01). However, a comparison between the cinnamaldehyde and voriconazole groups suggested a P value <0.05.