Research Article

Effects of Cinnamaldehyde on the Cell Wall of A. fumigatus and Its Application in Treating Mice with Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

Table 4

Effect of cinnamaldehyde (pg/mL) on (1,3)-beta-D-glucans in mice with pulmonary aspergillosis infection after 2–14 days.

GroupingN(1, 3)-beta-D-glucansFP

Cinnamaldehyde group301160.89 ± 364.96618.4410.000
Voriconazole group303885.94 ± 845.45
Model group305930.36 ± 716.49
Saline group3081.58 ± 11.89

The cinnamaldehyde and voriconazole groups were compared with the saline and model groups using SPSS21.0 statistical software, suggesting a P value <0.01. A comparison between the cinnamaldehyde and voriconazole groups showed statistical significance.