Research Article

Curative Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Chinese Optimized Yinxieling Formula in Models of Parkinson’s Disease

Figure 4

The protective effects of OYF against MPTP-mediated neuronal damage in the SNpc. Representative images of SNpc TH-positive cell immunoreactivity (IR) with scale bars, 200 μm (n =6 per group) (a). Optical density (OD) tests for SNpc TH-positive cells (b). RT-PCR for TH mRNA expression in midbrain (c). For PCR, β-actin was used as an internal control. All the values are depicted as mean ± standard deviation. ##P< 0.01 versus control group and P< 0.05 and P< 0.01 versus MPTP-treated group using one-way ANOVA with post hoc LSD t-test, n=6.