Research Article

Effects of Juglans regia Root Bark Extract on Platelet Aggregation, Bleeding Time, and Plasmatic Coagulation: In Vitro and Ex Vivo Experiments

Table 2

Effect of CAE of Jr on ex vivo on PT, APTT, and TT and fibrinogen concentration.

SampleDosesPT (s)APTT (s)TT (s)Fibrinogen (g/l)

Distilled water (ml/100g)118.26 ± 1.5116.40 ± 1.4639.62 ± 7.392.58 ± 0.07

CAE of Jr (mg/Kg)25020.94 ± 0.39 17.48 ± 1.81 54.96 ± 3.46 1.98 ± 0.10

Warfarin (mg/Kg)133.30 ± 3.44 36.94 ± 3.06 117.96± 10.27 1.55 ± 0.06

Mean ± SEM, p < 0.01, p < 0.001, NS: not significant, and n = 5.