Review Article

Hydroxysafflor Yellow A: A Promising Therapeutic Agent for a Broad Spectrum of Diseases

Table 1

Summary about the cardiovascular protection of HYSA.

EffectsModelDetails Ref.

Anti-coagulant effectPlatelets exposed to ADPInhibiting aggregation.[6]
RatsInhibiting thrombosis formation.[6]
Blood sample from rabbitsInhibiting platelet aggregation induced by ADP and PAF and decreasing blood viscosity.[6]
Blood sample from rabbitsInhibiting WRP aggregation and PMNs aggregation induced by PAF[7]
Rabbit plasmaProlonging PT and RT.[8]

Myocardial ischemiaLAD-induced MI miceReversing the haemodynamic changes including LVSP, +dp/dt and −dp/dt, enhancing the survival rate, increasing expressions of nucleolin and VEGF-A.[9]
LAD-induced MI ratsReducing CK-MB, ROS, cTnI and 8-OHdG expression, and increasing SOD activity.[10]
H9C2 cells subjected to OGDReducing CK-MB, LDH, MDA, ROS and cell apoptotic number and increasing MMP, SOD activity, and expressions of PGC-1α and Nrf2.[11]
ISO-induced MI ratsReducing CK-MB, LDH, MDA, ROS and cell apoptotic number, inhibiting cell apoptosis and increasing MMP, SOD activity and expressions of PGC-1α and Nrf2.[11]
MI/R ratsReducing the infarct size and the release of LDH.[12]
Ca2+-induced ventricular myocytesReducing mitochondria swelling, increasing phosphorylated eNOS protein and preventing cell death and depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane.[12]
Cardiac myocytes stimulated by anoxia and reoxygenationReducing cell viability and closed MPTP rods, and increasing opened MPTP round cells.[13]
Cardiac myocytes introduced by ionomycinIncreasing opened MPTP round cells and decreasing closed MPTP rods.[13]
EPCs stimulated by SDF-1αIncreasing CXCR4 expression.[14]
MI mice caused by the ligation of left coronary arteryIncreasing EF, FS, EPC number, VEGF-A and SDF-1α and reducing apoptotic signals, TGF-β and Col I.[14]
H9C2 exposed to H/RReducing LDH, apoptosis index, Bcl-2/Bax ratio, cleaved Caspase-3 and increasing expression and activity of HO-1, Akt phosphorylation and Nrf2 translocation.[10, 15]
H9C2 exposed to H/RIncreasing cell viability, ATP, Mn-SOD and HO-2 and reducing cyto c, MDA, LDH, apoptosis index and Caspase-3.[16]
NRVMs subjected to H/R and LPSIncreasing cell viability and reducing levels of TNF-α and IL-1β and expressions of TLR4 and NF-κB.[17]
MI/R rats accompanied hyperlipidemia trigged by high-fat dietReducing TLR4 expression, infarct size, CK-MB and LDH activity.[17]

Artery constrictionSHR and the normotensive ratsReducing mAP and HR in vivo, and down-regulating LVSP, LVEDP, +dp/d and HR in the isolated rat heart.[18]
Immunized ratsReducing systolic BP, HR, ET, ox-LDL and NO and relieving the histological change in the thoracic aortic endothelium.[19]
Aorta ring isolated from the immunized ratsEnhancing the diastolic response induced by Ach and SNP and attenuating the vascular contractile effect of PE.[19]
Rat thoracic aorta rings induced by PEInhibiting IP3 receptor in VSMCs and thus reducing extracellular Ca2+ influx and intracellular Ca2+ release.[20]
Ang II-stimulated rat adventitial fibroblastsInhibiting proliferation and collagen synthesis and decreasing expressions of MMP-1, TGF-β1, α-SMA and NF-κB p65.[21]
VSMCs exposed to PDGF-BBReducing cell viability, cyclin D1, cyclin E, CDK2, CDK4, cGMP level and NO content and inhibiting phenotype switching and increasing HO-1 expression.[22]
VSMCs induced by LPSInhibiting proliferation and migration and down-regulating levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-8.[23]
PASMCs under hypoxiaInhibiting proliferation and cell cycle.[24]
PAH rats induced by hypoxicBlocking the progression of pulmonary artery remodeling, decreasing the cell count in the small pulmonary bronchioles, attenuating right ventricular hypertrophy and decreasing mRVSP and protein expressions of PCNA and Ki67.[24]
PE-induced rat PAShowing vasorelaxing effect independent of PA endothelium.[25]
PAH rats stimulated by MCTReducing RVSP, mPAP, RV/LVPS, the mean percent wall thickness of pulmonary arterioles and the vascular muscularization and increasing expressions of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α in the mRNA level and SOD activity and decreasing levels of MDA and 8-OHdG.[26]

Cardiac hypertrophyOverload-induced cardiac hypertrophy rats induced by the ligation of abdominal aortaReducing LVMI, inhibiting cell apoptosis by up-regulating Bcl-2/Bax ratio and decreasing expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9.[27]