Research Article

Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used to Treat Human Diseases in Berbere District, Bale Zone of Oromia Regional State, South East Ethiopia

Table 4

Informant consensus factor by categories of diseases in the study area.

Disease categories No. of speciesUse citationICF

Asthma, cough, earache, epitaks, headache, Tonsillitis and Toothache6190.72
Epilepsis, evil spirit, evil eye, doziness13470.74
Bat urine, bile problem, splenomegaly, flunk pain and urinary retention17550.70
Gonorrhea and syphilis3390.95
Amoebiasis, appetite loss, diarrhea, gastritis, intestinal worm, stomachache and vomiting8370.80
Emergency and fibril illness5150.71
Rabies and Snake bite2110.9
Boils, dandruff, eczema, hemorrhoids, scabies, taenia resicolors and wound11330.69