Research Article

Association of Tongue Bacterial Flora and Subtypes of Liver-Fire Hyperactivity Syndrome in Hypertensive Patients

Figure 1

Curves of the Observed Species index (a), Chao index (b), and PD whole tree index (c). In (a) and (b), the horizontal axis represents the number of clean reads randomly extracted from a sample, and the vertical axis indicates the alpha diversity index corresponding to the number of reads. Alpha diversity reflects the diversity of species in single samples including the Observed Species index, Chao index, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) whole tree index. Observed Species and Chao index reveal the richness of a community of species in the samples, regardless of the abundance of each species in the community. (c) The difference in the evolutionary history of species in a sample. The larger the PD whole tree index, the greater the difference of the species preserved in evolutionary history. A curve in the graph represents a sample. Outliers are marked with “∘.”