Research Article

Network Pharmacology Analysis of Damnacanthus indicus C.F.Gaertn in Gene-Phenotype

Table 2

List of enriched gene sets identified using KEGG PATHWAYS ANALYSIS.

Pathway Name#GeneOverlapGeneStatistics

Regulation of actin cytoskeleton251128 1129 1131 1132 1133 1398 1950 2246 2247 2248 2249 2251 2252 2254 2255 2263 3265 5155 5290 5604 5829 5894 6714 673 9564C=216; O=25; E=2.68; R=9.33; PValue=0e+00; FDR=0e+00

Pathways in cancer341398 1499 1950 2246 2247 2248 2249 2251 2252 2254 2255 2263 2736 3265 354 367 4087 4088 4824 51176 5155 5290 54361 5604 5727 5894 595 64399 6469 673 6774 7040 7042 7046C=397; O=34; E=4.92; R=6.9; PValue=0e+00; FDR=0e+00

Breast cancer231499 1950 2099 2100 2246 2247 2248 2249 2251 2252 2254 2255 3265 51176 5241 5290 54361 5604 5894 595 673 8600 8648C=146; O=23; E=1.81; R=12.7; PValue=0e+00; FDR=0e+00

Melanoma161950 2246 2247 2248 2249 2251 2252 2254 2255 3265 5155 5290 5604 5894 595 673C=71; O=16; E=0.88; R=18.17; PValue=2.22e-16; FDR=1.68e-14

Rap1 signaling pathway211398 1499 1950 2246 2247 2248 2249 2251 2252 2254 2255 2263 3265 5155 5290 5604 5894 6714 673 9564 9732C=212; O=21; E=2.63; R=7.99; PValue=6.31e-14; FDR=3.82e-12

MAPK signaling pathway211398 1950 2246 2247 2248 2249 2251 2252 2254 2255 2263 3265 5155 5604 5894 673 7040 7042 7046 8911 8913C=255; O=21; E=3.16; R=6.64; PValue=2.43e-12; FDR=1.11e-10

Prostate cancer141499 1950 2263 3265 354 367 4824 51176 5155 5290 5604 5894 595 673C=89; O=14; E=1.1; R=12.68; PValue=2.56e-12; FDR=1.11e-10

Colorectal cancer121499 4087 4088 51176 5290 5604 5894 595 673 7040 7042 7046C=62; O=12; E=0.77; R=15.6; PValue=8.08e-12; FDR=3.06e-10

Thyroid hormone signaling pathway1510499 1499 2099 3265 5290 54361 5469 5604 5894 595 6714 8648 9440 9611 9862C=118; O=15; E=1.46; R=10.25; PValue=9.73e-12; FDR=3.27e-10

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)123558 3561 3565 3566 3586 4087 4088 50943 6774 6778 7040 7042C=65; O=12; E=0.81; R=14.88; PValue=1.46e-11; FDR=4.43e-10