Research Article

Granule of BU-XIN RUAN-MAI Attenuates the Patients’ Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease via Regulating miR-542-3p/GABARAP Signaling

Table 8

Effect of Granule of BU-XIN RUAN-MAI on indicators of patients’ coagulation.

GroupNumber of casesStageD-DimerFibrinogen

Placebo20Pretreatment2.03 ± 1.123.97 ± 1.13
20Posttreatment1.23 ± 0.86#2.57 ± 1.27#
Granule of BU-XIN RUAN-MAI20Pretreatment2.09 ± 1.084.01 ± 1.22
20Posttreatment0.66 ± 0.421.83 ± 0.68

There was no significant difference in patients’ coagulation indicator (D-Dimer and fibrinogen) contents between the placebo and Granule of BU-XIN RUAN-MAI group before treatment was administrated (). versus the pretreatment patients in the placebo or Granule of BU-XIN RUAN-MAI group; versus the posttreatment patients in the placebo group.