Review Article

A Review of Danshen Combined with Clopidogrel in the Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease

Table 2

The feature Table 2 of meta-analysis.

StudyType of diseaseDose of Clopidogrel (mg/day)The species of DanshenDose of Danshen (/day)Time of treatment (month)Inclusion CriteriaEvaluation criteria for curative effectObservation index

Qing Shi 2018UAP50Salvianolate211)(3)①④⑥⑦⑨
Wenjun Gao 2018CHD75Salvianolate0.511)(8)①⑥⑦④
Chunyan Xue 2017CHD75STS13)(1)①③⑦
Guangzhi Li 2017CHD75CDDP311)(3) (2)①②⑦
Jianhua Guo 2016CHD75CDDP0.57)(3)①②
Jing Feng 2016UAP75DALHI0.52)8)(2)①②⑥
Qianfan Zhao 2016CHD75DALHI66)(1)(2)②③⑤⑥
Yunyu Zhou 2016SAP75STS13)(1)①③⑤⑦
Yingjie Li 2016UAP75CDDP0.25)(3)①⑥
Yihao Wang 2016CHD75Salvianolate0.7511)(5)①⑥
Yongjie Qiao 2016CHD75CDDP611)(5)①⑦⑧⑨
Lingzhun Wang 2016CHD75Danshen tablet1211)(8)①⑥⑦
Qicai Fan 2015CHD75CDDP32)(2)①②
Wei Xu 2015CHD150CDDP11)2)(1)①⑥
Hengdong Liu 2015UAP75Salvianolate14)(3)①⑥
Zhimei Huang 2015CHD75CDDP311)(8)①⑥
Jing Li 2015CHD75CDDP16) 9)(7)①③⑥⑨
Lei Xie 2014UAP75GDDP24)(3)①②⑥
Ting Li 2014CHD75CDDP310)(3)①⑥
Hongbin Cai 2013UAP75CDDP0.751)5)(4)①②⑦
Yongping Hu 2012UAP75STS0.52)(3)②③
Tingzhu Wu 2010CHD75DALHI0.52)(8)

Type of disease: Unstable angina pectoris: UAP; Stable angina pectoris: SAP.
The species of Danshen: Compound Danshen dropping pills: CDDP; Danshen and Ligustrazine Hydrochloride Injection: DALHI; Guanxin Danshen Dropping Pill: GDDP.
Dose of Danshen:270mg/times, 3 times, 200 mg+5% glucose solution, 250ml, i.v., 200 mg+ glucose solution, 200ml, i.v., 10ml + 0.9% sodium chloride 250ml, i.v., 60mg + 5% glucose solution, 250ml, i.v., 40mg, i.v., 270mg/times, 2 times, 400mg/times, 3 times, 7.29g/times, 3 times, 125mg/ times, 3 times, 3 pieces /times, 3 times, 200mg, 60mg.
Inclusion Criteria: 1) Chinese medicine clinical research guiding principles. 2) Criteria for naming and diagnosis of ischemic heart disease. 3) A guide to diagnosis and treatment of chronic stable cardiac arrest in China. 4) Clinical diagnostic criteria for unstable angina pectoris. 5) Diagnosis and treatment of unstable angina pectoris. 6) Internal medicine. 7) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease in the Chinese medical association for cardiovascular diseases. 8) Medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. 9) Standard of TCM syndrome diagnosis. 10) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease. 11) Other.
Evaluation criteria for curative effect: (1) Guiding principles of clinical research on new drugs of traditional Chinese medicine. (2) Evaluation criteria of angina pectoris and electrocardiogram effect in coronary heart disease. (3) The number of episodes of angina pectoris, excellence: reduce over 80%, effective: reduce over 50% and ineffective: reduce under 50%. (4) Practice of internal medicine. (5) Guiding principles of clinical research on cardiovascular system drugs. (6) Evaluation criteria of angina pectoris and electrocardiogram effect in coronary heart disease. (7) Medicine. (8) Other.
Observation index: ① Clinical total efficiency. ② Electrocardiogram effect. ③ Frequency and duration of angina pectoris. ④ Vascular function. ⑤ Dosage of nitroglycerin. ⑥ Adverse reaction. ⑦ Blood index. ⑧ Clinical symptom improvement time. ⑨ Heart function.