Research Article

Acupuncture Enhances Communication between Cortices with Damaged White Matters in Poststroke Motor Impairment

Figure 2

Correlation between FA and clinical scores. (a) FA value of the ipsilesional SLF-FP had a positive correlation with the FMA-L (P < 0.000); (b) FA value of the ipsilesional SLF-FP had a negative correlation with the NIHSS (P = 0.004); (c) FA value of the ipsilesional SLFt had a negative correlation with NIHSS (P = 0.024). FA, Fractional anisotropy; FMA-L, FMA of the lower limb; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; SLF-FP, frontoparietal part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus; SLFt, temporal part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus.