Research Article

Effects of Wuqinxi in the Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 2

The baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of participants (mean ± SD).

Demographic characteristicWQXG (n = 36)GEG (n = 36)

Age (year)53 (16)54 (14)
Gender30 (83)28 (78)
 Male6 (17%)8 (22%)
 Female30 (83%)28 (78%)
Height (cm)161 (6.3)163 (5.8)
Weight (kg)61 (7.9)63 (10.6)
Received education years (year)14 (3.2)14 (2.8)
Duration of LBP (year)13.2 (9.2)12.4 (10.8)
BMI23.4 (3.1)23.6 (3.5)
Outcome measures
 SF-MPQ14.5(6)14.4 (6.5)
 VAS5.2 (1.3)5 (1.9)
 PPI2.7 (0.9)2.8 (1.1)
 PSQI8.8 (4.4)9.7 (5.2)
 PCS34.6 (8.9)34.4 (8.8)
 MCS34.1 (11.9)37.5 (12.8)

There were no significant differences between groups on demographics, medical history, quality of life, and pain intensity at baseline (). SD, standard deviation; WQXG, Wuqinxi group; GEG: general exercise group; LBP, low back pain; BMI: body mass index; SF-MPQ: Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire; VAS: Visual Analog Scale; PPI: Present Pain Intensity; PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PCS: mental component summary; MCS: physical component summary.