Research Article

Network Pharmacology-Based Strategy for Predicting Active Ingredients and Potential Targets of Gegen Qinlian Decoction for Rotavirus Enteritis

Figure 2

TCM-intersecting targets-disease network diagram: (a) intersecting targets of enteritis and GGQLD. There are 7149 enteritis-related targets (blue section) and 552 active ingredients targets (red section), with 366 intersections; (b) PPI network of intersecting targets; (c) genes with top 8 PPI network connectivities. The abscissa represents the number of connections with other genes, and the ordinate represents the name of the gene; (d) network of GGQLD (), enteritis (), intersecting targets (), and active ingredients () in molecular level. In the diagram, intersecting targets were represented by gene IDs and active ingredients were represented by the PubChem IDs.