Research Article

Patterns of Integrative Korean Medicine Practice for Anxiety Disorders: A Survey among Korean Medicine Doctors (KMDs) in Korea

Table 4

Percentage of patients taking psychiatric medications.

ClassificationKMD (N = 677)KMNPS (N = 80)
n (%)n (%)

039 (5.8)3 (3.8)
1–10%102 (15.1)8 (10.0)
10–30%91 (13.4)9 (11.3)
30–60%168 (24.8)33 (41.3)
60–90%175 (25.8)22 (27.5)
Over than 90%102 (15.1)5 (6.3)
Mean (SD)48.31 (32.27)47.88 (26.66)

Values are expressed as n (%). KMD, Korean medicine doctor; KMNPS, Korean medicine neuropsychiatry specialist.