Research Article

Study on Mechanism of Iridoid Glycosides Derivatives from Fructus Gardeniae in Jiangxi Province by Network Pharmacology

Table 3

Gene ontology term, cellular component, direct (top 20).

GO term valueCount

Plasma membrane5.61E − 2129
Cell periphery9.05E − 2129
Plasma membrane part1.3E − 2023
Synapse part5.5E − 2017
Synaptic membrane5.9E − 2014
Neuron projection1.12E − 1918
Postsynapse1.68E − 1915
Membrane6.59E − 1932
Neuron part9.05E − 1919
Synapse2.89E − 1817
Plasma membrane region5.72E − 1817
Postsynaptic membrane8.24E − 1812
Membrane part3.92E − 1728
Plasma membrane-bounded cell projection4.77E − 1719
Cell projection part8.26E − 1717
Plasma membrane-bounded cell projection part8.26E − 1717
Cell projection8.95E − 1719
Integral component of plasma membrane2.79E − 1616
Cell part4.92E − 1636
Cell5.74E − 1636