Research Article

Efficacy of Curcumin with Iontophoretic Application on Paw Edema and Hematological Responses in Collagen-Induced Arthritis Rat Models

Figure 9

The histopathological changes of the ankle joint following the treatment in type II collagen-induced arthritic rats at the end of the study. (a) The normal architecture of the ankle joint in the NC group, with no pannus formation (P) and no bone erosion (BE), and the synovium (NS) was found to be normal. Additionally, cartilage erosion (CE) was absent, and the inflammatory cells (IC) were also not found, hence, showing the absence of arthritic condition. (b) In the AC group, pathological changes were observed as BE, CE, P, and IC were prominently seen, and synovial hyperplasia (SYN) and vacuole formation (V) were also noticed, which indicate the presence of arthritis. (c) In the OCU group, BE, CE, (V) SYN, and IC occurrences were reduced, and P was absent, so it may be inferred that oral curcumin had a minor role in improving the arthritic condition. (d) In the OCU + TOCU group, CE, P, and IC were completely absent, but moderate occurrence of SYN, BE, and V were seen; thus, it furthered the amelioration of arthritis. (e) In the OCU + IOCU group, significant alleviation in the arthritic condition was noticed as only mild BE and IC were present, thereby demonstrating the omission of arthritic condition and restoration of near normal synovium.