Research Article

Chinese Herbal Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Text-Mining the Classical Literature for Potentially Effective Natural Products

Table 4

Formulas for rheumatoid arthritis in the contemporary clinical guideline and corresponding formulas in the search results.

Syndromes in 2018 guidelineFormulas in 2018 guideline1Formulas in ZHYD search1

(1) Bi syndrome due to wind and coldness2Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang; Juan Bi tang; Da qin jiao tang.Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang (n = 5).
Related formulas: Da qiang huo tang (n = 8); Qin jiao tang (n = 2).
(2) Bi syndrome due to cold and dampnessWu tou tang; Gui zhi shao yao zhi mu tang; Ma huang fu zi xi xin tang.Wu tou tang (n = 35); Gui zhi shao yao zhi mu tang (n = 21)
(3) Bi syndrome due to dampness and heatXuan bi tang; Dang gui nian tong tang; Er miao san.Dang gui nian tong tang (n = 5); Er miao san/wan (n = 7).
(4) Bi syndrome due to phlegm and blood stasisShuang he tang.Related formulas: Si wu tang (n = 21); Wu ji san (n = 12); Er chen tang (n = 5).
(5) Bi syndrome due to blood stasisShen tong zhu yu tang; Tao hong yin.Related formula: He xue san tong tang (n = 4).
(6) Bi syndrome due to deficiency of qi and bloodHuang qi gui zhi wu wu tang; Shi quan da bu tang; Gui pi tang.Huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang, also called Huang qi wu wu tang (n = 2)
(7) Bi syndrome due to deficiency of liver and kidneyDu huo ji sheng tang; San bi tang.Du huo ji sheng tang (n = 4); San bi tang (n = 1).
(8) Bi syndrome due to deficiency of qi and yin3Si shen jian.None relevant

1See supplementary 2 for the Chinese characters. 2Bi syndrome is a broad traditional diagnostic category that includes arthritis, but here it refers to RS. 3This syndrome is for RA with Sjogren syndrome, which often has symptoms of dry eye or dry mouth. ZHYD: Zhong Hua Yi Dian.