Review Article

A Systematic Review of Essential Oils and the Endocannabinoid System: A Connection Worthy of Further Exploration

Table 1

Essential oils and compounds with ECS activity.

Essential oilECS activity

Copaiba, guava leaf, black pepper, hemp, melissa, clove, ylang ylangCB2R agonist

LavenderInhibits FAAH and MAGL enzymes

CedarwoodActivates central CB1R and CB2R

MasticIncreases cannabinoid congeners palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and oleoylethanolamide (OEA)
Chir pineCB2R agonist

WormwoodWeakly affects ECS at higher concentrations

Essential oils that contain moderate to high levels of the active compound beta-caryophyllene.