Research Article

Keratinocyte Growth Factor-2 Reduces Inflammatory Response to Acute Lung Injury Induced by Oleic Acid in Rats by Regulating Key Proteins of the Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway

Figure 1

(a) The alveoli of the control group were normal lung tissue structure (200x). (b) Alveolar septa thickened and fusion changes occurred in the ALI group (200x). (c) Alveoli in the ALI + KGF-2 group were slightly fused and the alveolar interval was slightly thickened (200x). (d) The alveolar of the control group is normal lung tissue structure (400x). (e) A large number of inflammatory cells infiltrate in the ALI group, and the lung interstitium is obviously congested (400x). (f) A small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration in the ALI + KGF-2 group and a small amount of congestion in the lung interstitium (400x).