Research Article

Integrated Analyses of lncRNA and mRNA Profiles Reveal Characteristic and Functional Changes of Leukocytes in Qi-Deficiency Constitution and Pi-Qi-Deficiency Syndrome of Chronic Superficial Gastritis

Figure 7

Potential functions of lnc-MDK-4:2 and lnc-FAM32A-2:1 contained in leukocytes-derived exosome. (a) Network to detail RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) of lnc-MDK-4:2 and lnc-FAM32A-2:1. Node size depends on the number of edges. (b) Expression patterns of lnc-MDK-4:2 and lnc-FAM32A-2:1. (c) Pathway enrichment analysis of the RBPs of lnc-MDK-4:2 and lnc-FAM32A-2:1. (d) Interaction network analysis for the RBPs of lnc-MDK-4:2 and lnc-FAM32A-2:1. Control: balanced constitution; case 1: qi-deficiency constitution; case 2: Pi-qi-deficiency syndrome of chronic superficial gastritis.