Research Article

Mechanism of SQQX Decoction’s Protective Effect on SHR: A Serum Metabolomics-Based Analysis

Figure 5

Alteration on the metabolic profiling by PCA and OPLS-DA with the SQQX intervention control group (blue triangle); Mo: SHR group (pink triangle); L: low-dose SQQX group (green round); M: middle-dose SQQX group (orange square); H: high-dose SQQX group (purple diamond) (a and b). Each point represented a subject. The OPLS-DA model and permutation test for OPLS-DA derived from the UPLC-MS/MS of serum obtained from the SHR group and high-dose SQQX groups (c and d). The R2Y value represented the goodness of the model, and the Q2 value represented the predictability of the models. The closer R2Y and Q2 to 1, the better.