Research Article

Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of the Leaf Latex of Aloe pulcherrima Gilbert and Sebsebe (Aloaceae)

Table 6

The effect of the leaf latex of Aloe pulcherrima on serum lipid level in diabetic mice.

GroupsSerum lipid level

10 ml/kg vehicle NC88.50 ± 5.8696.83 ± 5.8638.83 ± 1.49
10 ml/kg vehicle DC187.17 ± 2.44175.83 ± 2.9726.67 ± 2.02
5 mg/kg glibenclamide94.50 ± 2.09a3b1105.76 ± 7.80a3b137.67 ± 0.71a3
200 mg/kgvLL179.00 ± 1.71a1c1154.33 ± 2.65a1c134.17 ± 1.08b2
400 mg/kg·LL178.33 ± 1.58a2154.17 ± 1.51a234.33 ± 1.15b2
600 mg/kg·LL178.30 ± 1.02a2153.33 ± 4.34a236.67 ± 0.71b2

Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean, n = 6; acompared to diabetic control; bto 200 mg/kg; cto 5  mg/kg. 1; 2; 3. DC, diabetic control; HDL-C, high-density lipocholestrol; NC, normal control; LL, leaf latex; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride.