Research Article

In Vivo Evaluation of Wound Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of 80% Methanol Crude Flower Extract of Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel in Mice

Table 5

Activity of the 80% methanolic crude extracts ointment of the flowers of H. abyssinica on period of epithelialization (number of days).

Treatment groupPeriod of epithelization (days), mean ± SEM% decrease in epithelization period

SO18.67 ± 0.67
NF13.00 ± 0.45a330.37%
5% CFEO14.67 ± 0.42a321.42%
10% CFEO12.67 ± 0.42a332.14%

Values are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 6 mice in each group) and analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by the post hoc Tukey test; acompared to the negative control; 3; SO = simple ointment; NF = nitrofurazone 0.2% ointment; CEO = crude flower extract.