Research Article

[Retracted] Change of Levels of NGF, ACTH, and AVP in the Cerebrospinal Fluid after Decompressive Craniectomy of Craniocerebral Injury and Their Relationship with Communicating Hydrocephalus

Table 3

Assignment of dependent variables and independent variables of communicating hydrocephalus after DC in patients with craniocerebral injury.

VariableThe assignment

Dependent variable
Communicating hydrocephalusNo = 0, yes = 1

Independent variables
Cerebrospinal fluid leakNo = 0, yes = 1
Ventricular hemorrhageNo = 0, yes = 1
Epidural hematomaNo = 0, yes = 1
Subdural fluid accumulationNo = 0, yes = 1
tSAHNo = 0, yes = 1
Cerebrospinal fluid protein levelNormal = 0, abnormal = 1
FIMEnter the actual value
NGFEnter the actual value
ACTHEnter the actual value
AVPEnter the actual value