Review Article

Effectiveness of Acupuncture on Urinary Retention: A Meta-Analysis

Table 1

PubMed search strategy.

NumberSearch terms

#2Acupuncture Therapy[Title/Abstract]
#10Moxibustion [Title/Abstract]
#12Acupuncture points[Title/Abstract]
#13auriculotherapy [Title/Abstract]
#14zhenjiu[Title/Abstract] OR zhen jiu [Title/Abstract] OR zhenci[Title/Abstract] OR zhen ci[Title/Abstract] OR cizhen[Title/Abstract] OR dianzhen[Title/Abstract] OR dian zhen[Title/Abstract] OR zhen ya[Title/Abstract] OR er zhen[Title/Abstract] OR ti zhen[Title/Abstract] OR she zhen[Title/Abstract] OR tou pi zhen[Title/Abstract] OR xue wei[Title/Abstract]
#15(((ching[Title/Abstract]) AND (lo[Title/Abstract])) OR (jing[Title/Abstract] AND Luo[Title/Abstract])) OR (jinglo[Title/Abstract])
#16#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15
#17Urinary Retention[MeSH terms]
#18post‐operative Complications[Title/Abstract]
#19Urination Disorders[Title/Abstract]
#20(urin[Title/Abstract] AND (retent[Title/Abstract] OR retain[Title/Abstract]))
#21((bladder[Title/Abstract] OR void[Title/Abstract]) AND (retent[Title/Abstract] OR retain[Title/Abstract]))
#22#17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21
#23#16 and #22