Research Article

[Retracted] Analysis of Clinical Characteristics of 52 Patients with Uveitis before and after Vitrectomy and Factors Affecting Clinical Efficacy

Table 1

Grading and quantification standards for eye signs.

Grading of eye signsConjunctivaCorneaAnterior chamberIrisPupilFundus

NormalNormalNormalNormalNormalNormal or drug-induced full dispersalNormal
MildConjunctival hyperemiaEdema, KP (+)Flash of water (+)–(++)
Inflammatory cells (+)–(++)
Dark colorShrink, less than or equal to 1/3 of the iris after adhesionEdema around the retina, no bleeding or exudation
ModerateCiliary hyperemiaEdema, KP (++)Flash of water (+++)–(++++)
Inflammatory cells (+++)–(++++)
Dark color, unclear textureShrink, 1/3–2/3 behind iris adhesionBleeding, oozing
SevereMixed hyperemiaEdema, KP (+++)Empyema and exudationCannot see clearlyMore than 2/3 of posterior iris adhesion, see exudate membraneRetinal detachment or macular edema, papilledema or unclear vision