Research Article

Efficacy and Safety of the Two Ayurveda Drug Regimens in Uterine Fibroids: A Randomized Single-Blind Clinical Trial

Table 4

The secondary efficacy endpoints changes in the 12th week and 24th week.

VariableArm I (n = 35)Arm II (n = 37)Arm III (n = 30) value

PBAC score MD (% change)1.02 (44.31)−10.97 (−33.73)−2.90 (−14.44)
PBAC at 12th week
 ≥100 (menorrhagia)01 (02.9)04 (10.8)02 (06.7)0.410
 99–02 (normal flow)34 (97.1)33 (89.2)28 (93.3)
 <02 (amenorrhea)00 (0.0)00 (0.0)00 (0.0)

UFS-QOL-symptom severityα
 Baseline (mean ± SD)33.21 (15.91)32.26 (16.52)30.72 (14.21)0.815
 12th week (mean ± SD)25.71 (16.45)22.63 (12.74)34.16 (14.77)0.006
value (baseline to 12th week)0.0010.0010.006
 24th week mean difference from 12th week (MD ± SD)0.00 (2.00)0.00 (0.00)
value (12th–24th week)1.000.05

 Baseline (mean ± SD)51.45 (16.98)58.57 (17.48)59.13 (15.51)0.112
 12th week (mean ± SD)57.73 (17.37)64.63 (17.63)55.35 (16.47)0.081
value (baseline to 12th week)0.0050.0350.010
 24th week (mean ± SD)57.53 (17.14)64.60 (17.14)
value (12th–24th week)0.1600.786

Arm I and Arm II, experimental groups; Arm III, control group; PBAC, pictorial blood loss assessment chart; score value ≥ 100, menorrhagia; 99–02, normal flow; <02, amenorrhea; HRQL, health-related quality of life; UFS-QOL, Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire; SD, standard deviation; MD, mean difference. Significant level of , based on the chi-square test (between groups). Significant level of , based on ANOVA (between groups). Significant level of , based on the paired t-test (before and after within groups). αScore range from 0 to 100, a higher score indicates greater symptom severity; ααscore range from 0 to 100, higher scores indicate better HRQL.