Research Article

[Retracted] Characteristics of the Dynamic Electrocardiogram in the Elderly with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Combined with Long R-R Intervals

Table 6

Characteristics of the dynamic electrocardiograms of patients with long R-R intervals (2-3 s vs. >3 s (n (%))).

ParametersLong R-R interval = 2-3 s (n = 245)Long R-R interval >3 s (n = 154)χ2

Second-degree atrioventricular block (n = 45)40 (16.33%)5 (3.25%)14.8870.001
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (n = 35)30 (12.24%)5 (3.25%)8.4760.004
Paroxysmal atrial flutter (n = 68)48 (19.59%)20 (12.99%)2.4690.116
Junctional escape beats (n = 24)16 (6.53%)8 (5.19%)0.1090.741
Ventricular escape beats (n = 15)10 (4.08%)5 (3.25%)0.0680.795
Linking phenomenon (n = 8)5 (2.04%)3 (1.95%)0.0250.876
Transient ventricular arrest (n = 15)15 (6.12%)0 (0.00%)8.1780.004
Accelerated ventricular escape (n = 12)8 (3.27%)4 (2.60%)0.0060.937
Complete right bundle branch block (n = 35)35 (14.29%)0 (0.00%)22.3630.001
Incomplete right bundle branch block (n = 12)12 (4.90%)0 (0.00%)6.1880.013