Research Article

The Relationships between Leptin, Genotype, and Chinese Medicine Body Constitution for Obesity

Table 2

Baseline characteristics of enrolled obese patients (from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2019, n = 50).

ParametersSubject number (%)

Demographic features
  Female37 (74.0)
  Male13 (26.0)
 Age (years), mean (SD)37.0 (9.6)
 BMI, mean (SD)31.1 (3.2)
 Waist-hip ratio (WHR), mean (SD)0.9 (0.1)
 Waist-height ratio (WheR), mean (SD)0.6 (0.0)
 Poor2 (4.0)
 Fair43 (86.0)
 Good5 (10.0)
Food preference
 Icy food12 (24.0)
 Deep-fried food10 (20.0)
Smoking3 (6.0)
Alcohol consumption25 (50.0)
Betel nuts chewing0 (0)
Exercise ≥30 mins/week40 (80.0)
 Hyperlipidemia2 (4.0)
 Hypertension8 (16.0)
 Diabetes mellitus2 (4.0)
 Stroke0 (0)
 Myocardial infarction0 (0)
 Allergic rhinitis10 (20.0)
 Polycystic ovarian syndrome1 (2.0)
The tendency of TCM body constitution (TCMBC)
 Yang deficiency constitution (YangDC)29 (58.0)
 Yin deficiency constitution (YinDC)33 (66.0)
 Phlegm-stasis constitution (PSC)29 (58.0)
TCMBC in combinations
 011 (22.0)
 19 (18.0)
 28 (16.0)
 322 (44.0)