Research Article

Aqueous Mulberry Leaf Extract Ameliorates Alcoholic Liver Injury Associating with Upregulation of Ethanol Metabolism and Suppression of Hepatic Lipogenesis

Table 2

Cholesterol and triglyceride content in the liver from ethanol-fed mice.

ControlEthanolE +0.5%AMEE +1%AMEE +2%AME

TG (g/g protein)63.60 ± 16.12104.98 ± 34.71 b98.57 ± 21.8561.44 ± 10.09c58.55 ± 6.94c
CHO (g/g protein)51.09 ± 20.00106.50 ± 31.00 b38.57 ± 9.6423.92 ± 13.31c19.28 ± 7.20c

Control, normal diet group; E, ethanol diet group (the positive control); E + 0.5%AME, the ethanol diet containing 0.5% AME group; E+ 1.0%AME, the ethanol diet containing 1% AME group; E + 2.0%AME, the ethanol diet containing 2% AME group. Each value was expressed as the mean ± S.D (8/group). a and b,  < 0.05 and 0.01 compared to the normal group, respectively. c and d,  < 0.05 and 0.01 compared to the ethanol diet group (the positive control), respectively.