Review Article

The Effects of Acupuncture on Pregnancy Outcomes of Recurrent Implantation Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

Characteristics of included studies.

Author, yearSample sizeExcludedRIF reasonAge (mean)Acupuncture groupControl groupIVF outcome
Acupuncture groupControl group

Ma 2019700ER30.04 ± 2.9830.55 ± 3.71MA + HRTHRTCPR EIR ET EM EBF SDS ETN
Luo 2017560ER33.8 ± 4.632.5 ± 4.1MA + moxibustion + levofloxacin + dydrogesteroneLevofloxacin + dydrogesteroneCPR ET EIR ETN HQE MR BPR EM
Zhao 20191020ER32.57 ± 4.2532.95 ± 4.37EA + TDP + HRTSham EA + HRT/HRTCPR ET ETN SHL EIR BPR
Xu 20141760Unknown32.5 ± 4.631.9 ± 4.3TEAS + HRTHRTCPR SHL AF BMI ET BPR EIR ETN
Zhuang 2019723ER34.29 ± 5.3134.26 ± 5.30MA + FETFETCPR ET EM EBF (PI; RI) BPR LBR TCMS
Villaherm-osa 2013840Unknown36.0 ± 2.736.3 ± 2.15MA + moxibustionSham MA/blankCPR ON ET ETN BPR
Shuai 20191242ER31.23 ± 3.7831.58 ± 3.07TEASMTEASCPR LBR ETN ET E2 EIR ON

EA: electro acupuncture, MA: manual acupuncture, TEAS: transcutaneous electrical acupuncture stimulation, MTEAS: mock transcutaneous electrical acupuncture stimulation, FET: frozen embryo transplantation, HRT: hormone replacement therapy, ER: endometrial receptivity, BPR: biochemical pregnancy rate, CPR: clinical pregnancy rate, BPR: biochemical pregnancy rate, MR: miscarriage rate, LBR: live birth rate, ETN: embryos transfer number, EIR: embryos implantation rate, MR: miscarriage rate, BMI: body mass index, ET: endometrial thickness, EM: endometrial morphology, EBF: endometrial blood flow, RI: resistance index, PI: pulse index, AF: antral follicles, HQE: high-quality embryo, SHL: sex hormone levels, ON: oocyte number, TCMS: traditional Chinese medicine syndrome, and SDS: self-rating depression scale.