Research Article

Ethanolic Extract of Centella asiatica Treatment in the Early Stage of Hyperglycemia Condition Inhibits Glomerular Injury and Vascular Remodeling in Diabetic Rat Model

Figure 3

Centella asiatica upregulated nephrin and downregulated TRPC6 mRNA expressions with preservation of WT-1 protein staining. (a) The representative pictures of nephrin and TRPC6 mRNA expression based on RT-PCR. (b, c) The bar charts of semiquantitative analysis of nephrin and TRPC6 mRNA expression. (d) The representative figures of WT-1 protein expression (magnification 400X; scale bar 100 m). <0.01 vs. control, <0.05 vs. DM1, and #<0.01 vs. DM2.