Research Article

Disrupted Resting-State Functional Connectivity between the Dorsal Attention, Default Mode, and Frontoparietal Networks in Nonorganic Gastrointestinal Disorder Patients with Spleen Deficiency Syndrome

Table 1

The demographic information of NOGD patients with SDS and healthy controls.

ItemsNOGDs with SDS (N = 20)Healthy controls (N = 18)χ2 (t/z)

Gender (male/female)6/14a5/130.0140.906
Age (years)25.50 ± 3.41b27.28 ± 3.61−1.560.127
Educational level (years)18.45 ± 3.36c16.28 ± 2.40−1.950.051

Note.aResults from the chi-square test of the comparison between two groups; bresults from the two-sample t-test of the comparison between two groups; and cresults from the nonparametric test of the comparison between two groups.