Research Article

Comparison of Effects between Combined Lumbar-Sacral Plexus Block plus General Anesthesia and Unilateral Spinal Anesthesia in Elderly Patients Undergoing Hip Fracture Surgery: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 3

Intraoperative information.

Group SAGroup CLSB value

Time of surgery (min)70.42 (21.77)71.35 (19.85)0.816
Time of anesthesia (min)78.62 (22.99)76.49 (20.45)0.609
PACU standing time (min)39.82 (10.38)51.27 (14.51)<0.001
Crystalloids (mL)600 (600, 1000)600 (600,1100)0.236
Colloids (mL)500 (0,500)500 (0,500)0.792
Blood loss (mL)100 (100,200)150 (100,200)0.652
Type of surgery0.244
Osteosynthesis25/55 (45.5%)19/55 (34.5%)
Artificial femoral head replacement16/55 (29.1%)18/55 (32.7%)
Total hip replacement14/55 (25.5%)18/55 (32.7%)
Incidence of hypotension15/55 (27.3%)10/55 (18.2%)0.257

Statistics are presented as mean (standard deviation), median (interquartile range), or N/total number of patients (%) as appropriate. , CLSB group compared with the SA group. CLSB, combined lumbar and sacral plexus block; PACU, postanesthesia care unit; SA, spinal anesthesia.