Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Infection Control and Waste Management among Traditional Medicine Practitioners in Bhutan, 2019: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey

Table 4

Practice on infection control among Bhutanese traditional medicine practitioners interviewed for the KAP survey on Infection control and waste management, 2019 (n = 132).

Practice parametersNeverSometimesAlways

How often do you wear apron at your workplace?11(1)23(18)107(82)
Before you read the pulse of a patient, how often do you wash your hands?222(17)60(46)48(37)
Before performing therapies, how often do you wash your hands?315(12)29(22)85(66)
How often do you wash hands after performing moxibustion?42(2)3(2)122(96)
How often do you dispose the scalpels in the correct dustbin?512(14)1(1)70(84)
Do you use a mask when you are suffering from common cold?23(2)41(32)86(66)
Do you use gloves when you dispense medicines?260(46)52(40)18(14)
Do you disinfect the instrument set used for cupping?63(3)19(19)77(78)
Do you examine patients in places other than your chamber?375(58)43(33)11(9)
Do you disinfect the floor of your Traditional Medicine Unit?322(17)70(54)37(29)

1Missing = 1. 2Missing = 2. 3Missing = 3. 4Missing = 5. 5Missing = 49. 6Missing = 33. The superscripts represent the number of missing data for each variable.