Review Article

Ear Acupressure for Allergic Rhinitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 1

Search strategy of the Cochrane Library.

NumberSearch terms

1Mesh descriptor: (ear acupressure) explode all trees
2((Ear) or (acupressure) or (acupuncture) or (auricular) or (acupoint) or (sticking )): ti, ab, kw
3Or 1-2
4Mesh descriptor: (allergic rhinitis) explode all trees
5((Allergic rhinitis) or (allergic) or (rhinitis, allergic) or (rhinallergosis) or (AR) or (hay fever)): ti, ab, kw
6Or 4–5
7Mesh descriptor:(randomized controlled trials) explode all trees
8(Random) or (randomly) or (allocation) or (random allocation) or (placebo) or (double blind) or (clinical trials) or (randomized control trial) or (RCT) or (controlled clinical trials)): ti, ab, kw
9Or: 7-8
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