Review Article

Effects of Warm Needle Acupuncture on Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 1

Search strategy in PubMed.

NO.Search detailsResults

#1“Temporomandibular joint Disorders”[MeSH terms]17827
#2(((“Joint s” [All fields] OR “joints” [MeSH terms] OR “joints” [All fields] OR “Joint” [All fields]) AND “disorder “[All fields]) AND “Temporomandibular” [Title/Abstract]) OR (((“joint s”[All fields] OR “joints” [MeSH terms] OR “joints”[All fields] OR “Joint”[All fields]) AND “disease“[All fields]) AND “Temporomandibular” [Title/Abstract]) OR (“disorder “ [All fields] AND “Temporomandibular” [Title/Abstract]) OR (“disease “[All fields] AND “temporomandibular joint” [Title/Abstract]) OR “temporomandibular disorder “ [Title/Abstract] OR “temporomandibular joint disease”[Title/Abstract] OR “TMJ” [Title/Abstract]18806
#3#1 AND #212593
#4“Acupuncture” [Title/Abstract] OR “Moxibustion” [Title/Abstract] OR “wen zhen” [Title/Abstract] OR “needle warming moxibustion” [Title/Abstract] OR “needle warming therapy” [Title/Abstract] OR “warm needling” [Title/Abstract] OR “warm acupuncture” [Title/Abstract] OR “warm needle moxibustion” [Title/Abstract] OR (“Warm” [All fields] AND “acupuncture-moxibustion”[Title/Abstract]) OR “warm needle acupuncture” [Title/Abstract] OR (“warming acupuncture” [Title/Abstract] AND “Moxibustion” [Title/Abstract])25076
#5#3 AND #4138