Research Article

Pain Changes Induced by Acupuncture in Single Body Areas in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Results from an Open-Label Pragmatic Study

Table 1

Description of the clinimetric characteristics of the instruments used as inclusion criteria (FIQR and PHQ15) and as outcome assessment (FAS).

InstrumentNumber of itemsCalculationInterpretation

FIQR21 items investigating 3 domains of health: 9 physical function, 2 overall health status, 10 symptomsEach item is an 11-point NRS. The final score is the algebraic sum of the scores of the three domains: the sum of the 9 NRS in the physical function domain is divided by 3, the 2 NRS in the overall health status domain are considered as they are, and the sum of the 10 NRS of the symptoms domain is divided by 2.Final score ranging from 0 to 100. Disease severity is defined as follows: remission (below 23), mild disease (between 24 and 40), moderate disease (between 41 and 63), severe disease (between 64 and 82), and very severe disease (above 83).

PHQ1515 items, 13 investigating somatic symptoms, 2 psychological symptomsEach item is scored from 0 (no disturbance) to 2 (severe disturbance). The final score is the algebraic sum of the items.Final score from 0 to 30. The severity of symptoms is considered as follows: low (below 5), medium (between 5 and 10), and high (above 15).

FASIt contains 2 parts. The first is made by 2 11-point NRS investigating fatigue and sleep quality, and the second is the SAPS. SAPS evaluates 16 body regions for the presence of pain on 4-point NRS (0 = no pain, 1 = mild pain, 2 = moderate pain, 3 = severe pain) for each area.The final score is the mean of the algebraic sum of the 2 NRS for fatigue and sleep quality and the SAPS normalized (SAPS is scored from 0 to 48; then score is normalized to a 0–10 scale).Final score from 0 to 10. No cut-off points for disease severity states are available.

FIQR = revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire; PHQ15 = Patient Health Questionnaire 15 items; FAS = Fibromyalgia Assessment Status; SAPS = Self-Assessment Pain Scale, NRS = numerical rating scale.