Research Article

Suhuang Antitussive Capsule Ameliorates Corticosteroid Insensitivity in Cough Variant Asthma Guinea Pigs by Inhibiting p38 MAPK Signal Pathway

Table 1

Ashcroft score.

Grade of fibrosisManifestations

0Alveolar septa: no fibrotic burden at the most flimsy small fibres in some alveolar walls
Lung structure: normal lung
1Alveolar septa: isolated gentle fibrotic changes (septum <3× thicker than normal)
Lung structure: alveoli partly enlarged and rarefield, but no fibrotic masses present
2Alveolar septa: clearly fibrotic changes (septum >3× thicker than normal) with knot like formation but not connected to each other
Lung structure: alveoli partly enlarged and rarefield, but no fibrotic masses present
3Alveolar septa: contiguous fibrotic walls (septum >3× thicker than normal) predominantly in whole microscopic field
Lung structure: alveoli partly enlarged and rarefield, but no fibrotic masses present
4Alveolar septa: variable
Lung structure: single fibrotic masses (<10% microscopic field)
5Alveolar septa: variable
Lung structure: single fibrotic masses (>10% and <50% microscopic field). Lung structure severely damaged but still preserved
6Alveolar septa: variable, mostly not existent
Lung structure: large contiguous fibrotic masses (>50% microscopic field). Lung structure mostly not preserved
7Alveolar septa: nonexistent
Lung structure: alveoli nearly obliterated with fibrous masses but still up to five air bubbles
8Alveolar septa: nonexistent
Lung structure: microscopic field with complete obliteration with fibrotic masses