Review Article

Acupuncture Methods for Primary Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Table 4

The results of network meta-analysis of reduction of pain intensity.

0.57 (−1.20, 2.35)FA
1.37 (−0.47, 3.16)0.79 (−1.06, 2.58)AM + CM
1.64 (0.48, 2.83)1.07 (−0.46, 2.65)0.28 (−1.27, 1.91)EA
1.75 (−0.03, 3.50)1.18 (−0.66, 2.95)0.40 (−1.14, 1.89)0.11 (−1.45, 1.65)EA + CM
2.25 (0.91, 3.57)1.68 (0.26, 3.04)0.87 (−0.36, 2.12)0.60 (−0.48, 1.65)0.49 (−0.69, 1.69)MA
2.10 (0.54, 3.70)1.54 (−0.13, 3.15)0.74 (−0.57, 2.07)0.47 (−0.90, 1.77)0.35 (−0.64, 1.36)−0.13 (−1.07, 0.78)MA + CM
2.29 (0.31, 4.20)1.73 (−0.28, 3.71)0.93 (−0.89, 2.80)0.66 (−1.13, 2.43)0.53 (−1.22, 2.35)0.06 (−1.42, 1.52)0.19 (−1.42, 1.79)AM
3.68 (0.96, 6.38)3.11 (0.41, 5.83)2.33 (−0.27, 4.87)2.03 (−0.57, 4.55)1.95 (−0.45, 4.32)1.45 (−0.96, 3.77)1.59 (−0.60, 3.71)1.38 (−1.34, 4.07)SA + CM
3.25 (1.84, 4.66)2.68 (1.16, 4.12)1.89 (0.79, 2.98)1.60 (0.45, 2.72)1.49 (0.45, 2.55)1.01 (0.40, 1.61)1.14 (0.46, 1.84)0.96 (−0.51, 2.39)−0.45 (−2.69, 1.85)CM
3.89 (1.49, 6.27)3.34 (0.95, 5.76)2.53 (0.23, 4.92)2.24 (−0.00, 4.49)2.13 (−0.08, 4.49)1.64 (−0.28, 3.66)1.76 (−0.35, 4.00)1.60 (−0.84, 4.01)0.20 (−2.86, 3.26)0.64 (−1.41, 2.77)SA

Significant difference. MA: manual acupuncture; EA: electronic acupuncture; AM: acupuncture-moxibustion; FA: fire acupuncture; SA: sham acupuncture; CM: conventional medicine.