Research Article

Effects of Resveratrol Against Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats: Role of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance

Table 2

Effect of resveratrol on the serum liver function indicators in HFFD-induced MS rats.

ParametersExperimental groups
Cont.MSResMS + Res

ALT (U/L)44.80 ± 2.15b59.20 ± 3.02a43.60 ± 2.87b47.20 ± 3.51b
AST (U/L)53.80 ± 2.31c76.80 ± 2.21a55.50 ± 2.20c63.60 ± 2.44b
ALP (U/L)333.14 ± 18.73b424.74 ± 14.77a322.56 ± 13.38b345.10 ± 11.03b
Total bilirubin (mg/dl)0.22 ± 0.19b0.40 ± 0.02a0.20 ± 0.03b0.37 ± 0.02a
Direct bilirubin (mg/dl)0.13 ± 0.03b0.28 ± 0.02a0.13 ± 0.01b0.23 ± 0.01a
Indirect bilirubin (mg/dl)0.09 ± 0.02ab0.12 ± 0.01ab0.07 ± 0.02b0.14 ± 0.02a
Total protein (g/dl)9.41 ± 0.20a7.72 ± 0.06b9.24 ± 0.37a8.00 ± 0.17b
Albumin (g/dl)4.73 ± 0.26a4.39 ± 0.10a4.66 ± 0.10a4.60 ± 0.15a
Globulin (g/dl)4.68 ± 0.12a3.33 ± 0.12b4.58 ± 0.34a3.40 ± 0.09b
A/G ratio1.02 ± 0.76b1.32 ± 0.04a1.04 ± 0.09b1.35 ± 0.06a

Values are presented as mean ± SEM for eight rats per group. Means with different superscripts in the same row differed significantly, . Cont.: control; MS: metabolic syndrome; Res: resveratrol; MS + Res: metabolic syndrome + resveratrol; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; A/G ratio: albumin/globulin ratio.